Man Gets Caught on Video Stealing Hand Sanitizer, Puts Mask On and Pours It Back -
Man Gets Caught on Video Stealing Hand Sanitizer, Puts Mask On and Pours It Back
Posted 14 Aug 2020 03:47 PM

Source: Facebook


The coronavirus pandemic has called for some essential items to be kept handy all the time. These include a face mask and a hand sanitizer apart from following precautions like maintaining social distance. However, since everyone does not have unlimited access to hand sanitizer, people are following different methods to ensure their safety.

In a viral video, caught on CCTV camera, a man was captured stealing a hand sanitizer. The man was seen standing on the balcony of the first floor and talking on phone, while he spotted a bottle of hand sanitizer.

He carefully took out his personal bottle hidden under his lungi and filled it with the sanitizer bottle kept outside.

After he kept his bottle back carefully in the lungi, he looked on all sides to check if anyone caught him doing the act. It is then that he realized that the entire act has been captured in the CCTV camera. He quickly put on his face mask and reversed his actions by refilling the bottle again with the stolen hand sanitizer.

The entire incident has been shared in a Facebook clip from the page named Kondotty Abu. Watch the video here:

The video has been viewed and liked by many netizens. A lot of people left hilarious comments on the video, while many others thought it was staged.

Most importantly, the man sanitizes his hands, legs and neck before leaving the place following the safety norms to stay away from the coronavirus pandemic.

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