Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress committee has asked the government to fully withdraw the SRO-202 and grant all benefits and arrears to all those who have suffered the exploitation of this unreasonable provision all these years.
Reacting to the partial modification of the most arbitrary, unjust, and unreasonable as well as exploitative SRO-202, in fresh recruitments and in the recruitments already made, JKPCC has termed it the partial success of the struggle of lakhs of youth and asked the government to withdraw it totally and retrospectively.
JKPCC Chief Spokesperson Ravinder Sharma said that despite the govt having finally acknowledged that the SRO-202 brought about by the previous PDP-BJP govt in 2015 was totally unjust, unreasonable and arbitrary apart from being exploitative of the rights of youth, still, it has been kept in modified form for the past as well as future recruits.
For almost five years, he said, lakhs of youth and entire opposition and other awakened citizens struggled to make government accept that the SRO-202 is unreasonable and anti-youth.
Seeking full and complete withdrawal of the SRO-202, JKPCC Chief Spokesperson said that all future recruits should be freed from any cut in their salary for the initial two years, which is unjust and Injustice to them.
Similarly, those already appointed from, 2015 to date, have not been given the benefit of the arrears of their deducted salary and would be entitled to the only notional benefit of confirmation after two years, without any monetary benefits, which is again great Injustice.
Hence total revocation and its complete withdrawal can only ensure justice to all, he demanded.
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